Sitaram Panchal, the actor who has worked in films like Peepli Live and Paan Singh Tomar is no more. He was 54. The actor was battling kidney and lung cancer and had sought monetary help on social media. A relative of the deceased actor confirmed the news to a leading daily that Sitaram had been having breathing problems and was not keeping well for a really long time.
A few weeks ago, Sitaram took to Facebook to reveal his condition. He had written, “Bhaio, meri help karo meri cancer se halat kharab hoti ja rahi hai, apka kalakar bhai Sitaram Panchal (Brothers, my situation is very bad and due to cancer the condition is deteriorating.)”
“Initially, he used to work and we could make ends meet. But now, he does not even have the strength to stand up. He has lost a lot of weight. Ever since the cancer was detected in January 2014, he has taken Ayurvedic treatment. It was only recently that he started a new homoeopathic medicine, following which, his condition worsened and we discontinued the medicines,” Sitaram’s wife was quoted by a daily after the Facebook post garnered attention.
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On knowing about his dire condition, Cine And TV Artistes Association (CINTAA) put a plea on their Facebook page asking people to help. They wrote, “It pains us to hear the suffering of our esteemed member Shri Sitaram Panchal, we assure him of all the help we can provide to him in his hour of need and also urge all of you to open your hearts.” Anil Kapoor too also urged people to help. He had written on Twitter, “In our busy lives, news like this tends to get lost in the noise. Pls help Sitaram in his time of need!”
It is really unfortunate that Sitaram had to put in so much effort and go through so much pain. May his soul rest in peace!
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