Seems like Sonakshi Sinha has fallen prey to her misunderstood logics. The debate started when singer and musician Kailash Kher questioned Sonakshi for performing with pop star Justin Bieber in his India concert, scheduled for 6 May. While talking to the media recently, the Teri Deewani singer said that an actor performing with a singer of an international stature gives out a wrong message outside (overseas) because then they think that the one performing with a name like Justin would, of course, be a big singer. Armaan Malik, another popular young singer in the country supported Kher’s statement and took to Twitter. He said that the actors should leave the ‘mic’ for ‘us’ (the singers) because it’s ‘our’ playground. Here’s what he exactly wrote:
“Agree with @Kailashkher sir! Actors are actors & singers are singers. Leave the stage & mic to us, that’s our playground not yours.”
Now, everything was fine until Sonakshi took notice of this tweet and revert:
“And this is definitely not the same tune you were singing when you wanted me to sing for you”
There’s no problem with this tweet, except that Sonakshi mistook Armaan for Amaal, which Armaan clarified in his next tweet, as he wrote:
You are mistaking me for @AmaalMallik he is the composer 🙂
— ARMAAN MALIK (@ArmaanMalik22) April 24, 2017
However, he acknowledged Sona’s other tweet in a positive way and wrote:
A secure artist wud always encourage another artist to grow their skills and follow their dreams. Art in any form should not be suppressed.
— NOOR (@sonakshisinha) April 24, 2017
Ummm… clearly this is leaving the industry divided. Which side are you on, though? Also, if you think that Sonakshi has a point and everybody has a right to sing or adopt another profession without really encroaching upon someone else’s talent platform, aren’t there better actor-performers than Sonakshi in Bollywood? Or if you think that Kailash’s statement is fine, then don’t you agree that an event organiser will always want to make more money by putting a glamorous face on display?
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