Sonakshi Sinha has clearly stepped up her fashion game and her latest pictures are a perfect proof of that. The actress who is set to launch the trailer of her upcoming film Noor, looked drop dead gorgeous in the outfit. The actress will be playing the role of a journalist based in Mumbai in the film.
The trailer of the movie has released and by the looks of it, the movie is going to be one of the hits of the year 2017. Noor is released by Sunhil Sippy. This is going to be the directorial debut of the filmmaker. The movie dwells on the life of Noor, who explores herself through misadventures and life situations. The movie is one of the most anticipated releases of the year. It stars Kanan Gill, Shibani Dandekar and Purab Kohli in important roles.
The movie is based on the Pakistani novel “Karachi, You’re Killing Me” written by author Saba Imtiaz. Not just fans are excited to see the trailer but Sonakshi’s wardrobe stole the limelight. The actress posted a picture on her Instagram account that speaks volumes. Dressed in a white formal top and sky blue coloured knotted skirt. She paired it with a matching shrug. Her golden coloured stilettos perfected her overall look.
Her hairstylist also shared a picture on social media and it is drooling worthy! This is not the first time that Sona has swept us by her impeccable fashion sense. Her Instagram account is filled with some gorgeous and beautiful pictures that display that the actress is leaving no stone unturned to master her fashion game.
The actress wrote on her Instagram account, “Off to the @noorthefilm trailer launch!” Styled by celebrity stylist Aastha Sharma, Sonakshi is making one solid fashion statement.
Noor is slated to release on April 21, 2017.
Check out the pictures from her Instagram account:
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