Actors Sonam Kapoor and Akshay Kumar who were last seen together sharing the screen space in Anees Bazmee’s flop comedy Thank You, are all set to make their comeback with R Balki’s yet untitled film. The movie will see Sonam and Akshay as the lead pair, while Amitabh Bachchan will feature in a cameo role. The unconventional pairing of Sonam and Akshay is not the only thing that makes this film special, but also Twinkle Khanna is making her comeback with this project.
Yes, Twinkle Khanna has launched her own banner called Mrs Funnybones Movies and she is the producer of Balki’s film. She has earlier co-produced Tees Maar Khan and Holiday: A Soldier Is Never Off Duty.
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It is also being said that Balki narrated the story to Sonam and the actress immediately said yes to the film. A source told Mumbai Mirror:
It was an immediate go-ahead from the actress after Balki narrated it to her. She loves the script and will kick off shooting next year.
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Sonam Kapoor now has three films in her kitty for the next year. Her sister Rhea Kapoor’s Veere Di Wedding, Rajkumar Hirani’s Sanjay Dutt biopic and Balki’s film opposite Akshay Kumar. Earlier, when Balki was asked about his upcoming film with Big B and Akshay, he denied the reports of making any such movie and was quoted by Bollywood Hungama as saying:
I’ve been busy with my wife Gauri Shinde’s film Dear Zindagi. Taking advantage of my unavailability a section of the media has gone berserk. I had no clue that this is been going on behind my back. When I started getting messages and calls asking about my film with Amitji and Akshay, I was like thanks for telling me about it.
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Now that the movie is finally being made, it is to be seen that whether this odd pairing of Sonam and Akshay be able to create magic at the Box Office or not.
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