Sonam Kapoor recently won a National Award in the Special Mention category for her role in Neerja. The actor, who will be seen alongside Akshay Kumar and Radhika Apte in Padman, recently spoke on censorship and freedom of expression. “The kind of restrictions we are putting on ourselves, it will not help in the longer run,” the 32-year-old actor said. India is a vast country with different cultures, languages and religions, she added.
“There are so many different mindsets. It’s really confusing. As a result, everything should be allowed and be open to all. There should be freedom of expression so that the people can take informed decisions,” Sonam told DNA. Sonam Kapoor is currently filming for Sanjay Dutt’s biopic that has Ranbir Kapoor essaying the role of the veteran actor. She will be seen as one of Sanjay’s love interests in the Rajkumar Hirani directorial.
Adding further, Sonam also threw light on the harmful effects of censorship. She urged that information should be imparted to everyone and people should be more liberal in their thought process. Sonam Kapoor is currently filming for Sanjay Dutt’s biopic that has Ranbir Kapoor essaying the role of the veteran actor. She will be seen as one of Sanjay’s love interests in the Rajkumar Hirani directorial.
Sonam Kapoor recently spoke up about the issue of celebrities being constantly targeted by trolls.”I request my followers and fans not to hate on someone and get personal towards other celebrities. Be better than that. Please remember imitation is the best form of flattery. And it just showcases admiration. Please don’t get personal and troll!” she tweeted.
Also read: Sonam Kapoor urges fans to stop trolling Bollywood celebs and she has a valid point to make
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