Salman Khan has finally begun shooting for his much-anticipated dance number in Shah Rukh Khan’s film with Aanand L Rai. Now, the fans can rejoice as they will get to see SRK and Salman in one frame again after Tubelight. Both the stars were spotted on Tuesday, July 4, on the set of Rai’s untitled project. According to the reports published by a news daily, SRK was filming at the Mehboob Studio since morning, while the Tubelight star looked visibly bulked up when he arrived for the shoot. He made his way to a nearby tent that had a lot of security.
They will be seen shaking a leg on the song which is being choreographed by Remo D’Souza. It seems Salman is returning the favour after Shah Rukh did a cameo in his recent release.
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The daily also reported that when SRK was informed about Salman’s presence, he went to meet his friend. The duo spent some time catching up. At around 4 pm, Rai joined in to explain the next shot to them. Half an hour later, the trio emerged from the tent to resume work. The shooting wrapped up around 9 pm but SRK and Salman stayed at the studio, their conversation outlasting the day’s schedule.
The film also features Anushka Sharma and Katrina Kaif in pivotal roles. It also marks the trio’s second collaboration after Jab Tak Hai Jaan which released in 2012. However, SRK is geared up for his next release Jab Harry Met Sejal along with Anushka Sharma. This Imtiaz Ali’s directorial is scheduled to hit the screen on August 4.
Source: Mumbai Mirror
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