Sunny Leone, her husband, Daniel Weber and some friends had a harrowing experience when their private plane almost crashed in a remote place in Maharashtra. The 36-year-old actress said bad weather was responsible for the incident. Taking to the micro-blogging website Twitter, Sunny Leone revealed about the incident. She wrote she was counting her stars way back home. The actress also posted a video on Instagram to talk about the incident.
In a series of tweets, Sunny Leone said how the pilots were amazing and helped them survive. She also thanked all everyone for their love and prayers.
Here is what Sunny Leone posted on social media:
Sunny Leone also wrote on Twitter that seeing the snapchat videos of the accident gave her goosebumps and she thanked the stars for keeping her safe.
The actress celebrated her birthday a few days ago. She and her husband Daniel also bought a mansion in a posh location in Los Angeles. Spread over an area of 1 acre, the place where Sunny Leone and Daniel Weber have bought the place is known to be the favourite location of Hollywood celebrities when it comes to buying homes. The magnificent bungalow is located in Sherman Oaks, a 30-minute drive away from Beverly Hills. Sunny Leone’s new houses consist of five bedrooms, a swimming pool, home theatre, an expansive garden and outdoor dining area. The house is reported to be only five minutes away from the Hollywood sign. The house boasts of a two-feet bronze statue of Lord Ganesha at the entrance and two four-foot hand-carved stupas from Nepal.
Well, we are glad that the diva is safe and so would be her fans. May she and her husband have a long life, The pilots do need appreciation for their job.
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