Sunny Leone, who carved her niche in Bollywood with films like Ragini MMS, Jism 2 is now making her Bengali debut with film Sera Bengali. In the film, she will be seen opposite Rajpal Yadav. Several pictures of the actress from the sets of the film have gone viral. In the picture, she can be seen wearing a bright blue coloured outfit and we must say she looks stunning. Going by the images, it seems like the actress was shooting for a dance number. Directed by Swapan Saha, Sera Bengali also features Shakti Kapoor, Ulka Gupta, Laboni Sarkar and Kaushik Banerjee, with Prabhu Deva being the dance director.
Though the details of the upcoming film have not been revealed yet, it will be interesting to watch if Sunny will be seen in a full fledged role or whether she will be seen doing an item number once again.
This is not the first time Sunny Leone has experimented outside the comfort of Bollywood lip-syncing. She has already made her foray into Tamil film industry with Vadacurry.
On the work front, Sunny Leone was last seen in Shah Rukh Khan starrer Raees. She did a song called Laila Main Laila which was well received. As of now, she is reeling in the success of her latest release song Piya More from Ajay Devgn starrer Baadshaho, which also features Emraan Hashmi.
She also has an upcoming musical-romantic film Ter Intezaar in her kitty opposite Arbaaz Khan. When it comes to her steamy dance numbers, she will next be seen in Sanjay Dutt’s comeback film Bhoomi. Directed by Omu Kumar, the film is an emotional journey of a father and daughter relationship. Aditi Rao Haydari plays the role of Sanjay Dutt’s daughter in the film.
Also Read: After Raees and Baadshaho, Sunny Leone to do a dance number in Sanjay Dutt’s Bhoomi. Read details
Check out the pictures here from the on-location shoot of the film here:
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