Swara Bhaskar wrote a post on Facebook to slam Paresh Rawal for his comment on Arundhati Roy. The veteran actor wrote on Twitter that Arundhati Roy should have been tied as a human shield. This statement of Paresh Rawal got him flak on the social media. Now, Swara Bhaskar has jumped into the debate and called the statement demeaning.
When the actor said that Arundhati should be tied, he sparked a debate. The statement of Paresh Rawal was seen as ironical by many given how celebrated the actor is and also that he is a sitting MP from Gujarat.
“It’s one thing to disagree with someone, even hate them… but Wow!!!!!!! #PareshRawal takes shamelessness and irresponsibility to other level.. As a Parliamentarian he openly threatened a woman and called for a brutal act of violence against her on Twitter. Disgusting! Go join the #GauRakshaks Paresh sir, your ilk are out in murderous mobs- go satiate your masculine rage parading as faux- nationalism!!! What a fall from grace for a fine fine actor!!!!,” Swara Bhaskar wrote on Facebook. This is not the first time that Swara Bhaskar has said anything on boiling topics. When Zaira Wasim, the Dangal star was trolled for meeting Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti, Swara had asked the people of Kashmir if this was their freedom.
While Swara slammed Paresh, CBFC member Ashoke Pandit supported him. He reportedly said, “I support Paresh Rawal’s statement because it is a real expression and emotion. Arundhati Roy has always been anti-national; she has been supporting the terrorists in Kashmir.”
On the work front, Swara was last seen in Anaarkali of Aarah, in which she played the role of an erotic singer. The movie got her appraises from critics and she was lauded for portraying such a strong character.
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