Taapsee Pannu, known for her outspoken ways, has been at the receiving end of Twitter trolls after she shared her two cents on Kabir Singh. Addressing the trolls in an interview with Mumbai Mirror, the Badla actor said – “The problem is not showing flawed characters… the problem is when you glorify them and make what they are doing seem heroic. This character is so revered that whatever he does is not just accepted, it is celebrated.”
She goes on to elaborate by using her own films as an example. “Manmarziyaan’s Rumi Bagga was a flawed character too and ended up losing her love and getting divorced. The same misogynist people, who didn’t see a problem with Kabir, booed Rumi. We aren’t oblivious to the double standards of our society,’ Taapsee strongly worded her retort for the trolls.
Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s Kabir Singh, which is a remake of his Telugu hit Arjun Reddy, opened to some overwhelming polarising reviews. The film has gone on to breach the 250-crore mark at the box office, making it the biggest hit of the year and Shahid Kapoor’s career-best blockbuster. Many put forth the view that characters like Shahid Kapoor’s Kabir Singh endorsed men resorting to violence ‘in the name of love’. The other side championed the director’s right to portray ‘far-from-ideal characters’ in their worst element.
Or maybe let’s just say they were madly in love with each other n this ‘act’ was to validate his TRUE love for her. https://t.co/BGmhA7XHyM
— taapsee pannu (@taapsee) July 15, 2019
Pannu had previously tweeted a news story of a man smashing his 19-year-old girlfriend’s head with the caption – ‘Or maybe let’s just say they were madly in love with each other n this ‘act’ was to validate his TRUE love for her.’ This was in response to the director saying in an interview that the freedom to inflict violence upon each other was a testament of true love.
Taapsee Pannu recently delivered the sleeper-hit Badla, directed by Sujoy Ghosh. She’s set to appear in both Saand Ki Aankh (with Bhumi Pednekar) and Mission Mangal (with Akshay Kumar, Vidya Balan, Kirti Kulhari, Sonakshi Sinha and Nithya Menen).
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