It seems that shaming Bollywood actresses on social media has now become a trend. In the past, Priyanka Chopra was criticised by online trolls for wearing a dress when she had met Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Former Big Boss contestant Mandana Karimi, who was recently in news for filing a divorce from her husband Gaurav Gupta, was also shamed for posting a topless picture on her Instagram story. Baadshaho actress Esha Gupta, though created headlines for being bold and doing a topless photo shoot, could not escape the wrath of online haters. And now, Taapsee Pannu, too, has got trolled for her bikini post.
The actress, who is gearing up for her next release Judwaa 2 alongside Varun Dhawan and Jacqueline Fernandes, is leaving no stone unturned in promoting the upcoming film. On Wednesday, Septemeber 13, Taapsee shared two photographs of herself on Twitter to promote the new song Aa Toh Sahi from the film. Alongside the images, the Pink actress wrote: “When you are against the tide, it’s you who needs to stand up for yourself… But don’t forget the smile.”
However, one Twitter user didn’t seem to like her wearing the bikini and wrote a post in Hindi for the actress.
Also Read: Taapsee Pannu describes Feminism in the most sorted way anyone has done it. Ever
“In our country, we have freedom of expression, so why don’t you remove the remaining clothes also. Your brother must be feeling proud of you after watching this,” the post reads.
Check out here:
In response to that, Taapsee, who is known for her outspoken nature, defended herself in a quirky way. She wrote: “Sorry, Bhai hai nahi varna pakka puch ke bataati. Abhi ke liye behen ka answer chalega (Sorry I don’t have a brother, otherwise I would’ve asked him. But for now, will my sister’s reply will work for you)?”
Taapsee, who was last seen in Shivam Nair directorial Naam Shabana, will next be seen in Judwaa 2 which is directed by David Dhawan. This is the first time that she will be seen sharing the screen space with Varun Dhawan. A sequel to Salman Khan’s 1997 release, the upcoming comedy drama will see Varun essay a double role. The film will release on September 29.
Also Read: Taapsee Pannu wears ‘socks with heels’ on Judwaa 2 trailer launch and we are crying
Meanwhile, check out other tweets as well:
Tapsee too skinny is not good.. seems lik a old lady..i lik u lot pls tc dear
— Jayasudha (@jayamni11) September 13, 2017
Yese pic upload karne se best h ki, porn movie’s main hi kaam kar lo.. Aur sharam karo #Taapsee
— jay kumar (@jay8144) September 13, 2017
Check out Taapsee Pannu’s tweets here:
“When you are against the tide, it’s YOU who needs to stand up for yourself……But don’t forget the smile ” #Judwaa2 #AaTohSahi
— taapsee pannu (@taapsee) September 13, 2017
Sorry Bhai hai nahi varna pakka puch ke bataati. Abhi ke liye behen ka answer chalega ????
— taapsee pannu (@taapsee) September 13, 2017
It’s always inspiring to see actresses stand up for themselves and give it back to the haters. You go, girl!
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