Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor’s first born Taimur Ali Khan got engulfed in a controversy soon after his birth. His name stirred a debate over its origin and many slammed the couple for choosing such a name for their son. Though the couple gave befitting replies to the trolls after the contention, there was a time when Saif was thinking about changing the name of his son.
In an interview with Delhi Times, Saif said owing to the hatred Taimur was garnering he contemplated a name change. He revealed it was Kareena Kapoor Khan who stopped him from doing so. Saif said, “Kareena was a little against it and she said, ‘People respect you for your opinion and you can’t’… So I said, yeah, but it’s not about people. I don’t want him to get unpopular. And I still might, maybe when he’s one or two, I might change his name in a while, it’s still sinking in, what to do.”
Saif Ali Khan then added his team of PR too agreed with him. But he decided against it because the idea seemed pathetic. “It was so pathetic that I cancelled the idea. Because it was really like, uhh, ‘I’m sorry’, and ‘I didn’t want to offend’ and ‘I’m an idiot’ (laughs), and you know, I’ve given in to pressure. It just sounded awful,” added the Rangoon star.
Also read: Watch: The real reason why Saif Ali Khan named his son Taimur and not ‘Ram’

Saif Ali Khan
(Courtesy: Instagram| @sakpataudi)
The vicious feelings that Taimur received were because many argued Saif named his son after the Turco-Mongol ruler. Saif argued the ruler was called Timur and his son’s name means Iron.
Well, if Saif would have changed the name of his son, it would have definitely set a wrong precedence. It would have meant Saif bowed down to trolls. Gladly, he didn’t change it but if Saif does give his son another name in future it won’t be a great idea even then. It would be best if Saif stuck to his decision. What do you think?