The Ghazi Attack, one of the three Bollywood releases last week, has showed a Box Office growth on Sunday. The Hindi version of the film, which was released on Friday, 17 February has garnered a total of Rs 6. 70 crore in its opening weekend. While the first day collection of the film remained Rs 1. 65 crore, the Saturday and Sunday collections are Rs 2. 25 crore and Rs 2. 80 crore.
The Ghazi Attack was also released in Tamil and Telugu and as per the tweet done by trade analyst Taran Adarsh, the collection break down of the all versions of the film is as follows:
The Ghazi Attack faced a Box Office clash with Shoojit Sircar’s Running Shaadi and Arshad Warsi’s Irada. The rest two films have not been really been received well at the BO.
The collections of the Karan Johar distributed film holds importance because the film has done acceptably well despite the super success of Akshay Kumar’s Jolly LLB 2. The Ghazi Attack is India’s first under water war film featuring Rana Daggubatti, Kay Kay Menon, Atul Kulkarni and Taapsee Pannu. The film has garnered enough support from good word of mouth. The narrative of the film is built around Indo-Pak 1971 war between PNS Ghazi and INS Vikrant.
Meanwhile, the collections of Jolly LLB 2, which is all set to cross Rs 100 crore at the Box Office are as follows:
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