After Mallika Dua’s revelation that Akshay Kumar’s remark made her uncomfortable, the reality show is once again in news. Shyam Rangeela, a former contestant of The Great Indian Laughter Challenge has slammed the channel for allegedly deleting his video mimicking Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Apparently, Star Plus allegedly cut out this portion of his act in a bid to not offend anyone.
Speaking about the controversy, Shyam told a leading daily that he should not have been invited on the show if the channel did not intend to carry his act. Apparently, the channel, after seeing Rangeela’s viral videos imitating PM Modi and Rahul Gandhi was keen to have him on the show. While other contestants had to give an audition, Shyam did not go through the audition process. He was directly invited by the channel.
After he prepared his skit for days, Shyam was told by the channel to drop it. He further added,
I prepared on the script around Modi ji for a month, but was told by the channel’s production guys that it might lead to a controversy, even riots. I was asked to drop it. Then I prepared one on Rahul Gandhi… that too was rejected. The script I actually performed on the show was done over just two days. Comedy can’t be done in a day and these constant changes left me very disturbed.
Also read: Why Akshay Kumar needs to apologise to Mallika Dua
Rangeela added that the channel’s lack of decision-making ability affected his career. He said,
I feel these decisions (not to run scripts around Narendra Modi or Rahul Gandhi) should have been taken before calling me to the show. It’s affecting my career… somewhere people are thinking that this person got eliminated in the first round of the show, so he’s not capable. It’s not fair. I don’t think there was anything wrong with the skits, I wasn’t insulting anyone. It was just comedy!
Also read: Not sexism, Internet’s debating over Akshay Kumar’s sense of humour vs Mallika Dua’s
Meanwhile, the video which the channel reportedly deleted has gone viral on social media. In the video, mentors Zakir Khan, Mallika Dua, Hussain Dalal as well as celebrity judge Akshay Kumar can be seen laughing at Shyam’s jokes.
Here is the video:
don’t know name but superb mimicry! @suvojitc @sanjayuvacha @prasanto @AnthonySald @muntaziraapka @ModiLeDubega @SkepticHindu @DrSaniaMaan
— Main Hoon Na (@neo_pac) October 23, 2017
Also read: Mallika Dua vs Akshay Kumar: Internet sensation responds to those trolling her
Now that Shyam has made some shocking revelations, we wonder what Star Plus has to say on this.
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