Ever since Deepika Padukone, Shahid Kapoor and Ranveer Singh’s looks (which were incredibly realistic) from Padmavati were released, the excitement to watch the trailer intensified. Padmavati, the much awaited and controversial film of the year is ready for its release on December 1 and the makers of the film decided to release its trailer on October 9. The trailer of this Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s magnum opus was released at 13:03 pm sharp. All the three leads, Deepika, Shahid and Ranveer, tweeted, “#PadmavatiTrailer arrives today at 13:03. Stay tuned! @FilmPadmavati.”
If you are wondering why 13:03, the makers have a special reason. 13:03 or 1303 are no ordinary numbers in respect to Padmavati or to be precise with Sultan Alauddin Khilji. According to Wikipedia, “In 1303, the Delhi Sultanate ruler Alauddin Khalji captured the Chittor Fort from the Guhila king Ratnasimha, after an eight-month-long siege. The conflict has been described in several legendary accounts, including the historically unreliable Padmavat, which claims that Alauddin’s motive was to obtain Ratnasimha’s beautiful wife Padmini.”
Also read: Deepika Padukone in Padmavati, Anushka Shetty in Baahubali 2: ‘Royal’ makeovers that left us stunned
The makers of Padmavati have followed a planned marketing strategy to introduce the characters to the world by connecting it with interesting and intriguing historical facts. And till now this has worked well in their favour.
It is to be kept in mind that the Padmavati has been surrounded by controversy since the time it went on floors. In January 2017, activists of the Shree Rajput Karni Sena had protested, manhandled and misbehaved with the crew of Padmavati. They claimed that the filmmaker was distorting historical facts in the movie. They had also damaged some cameras and other equipment while shooting in Jaipur, following which Bhansali had to stop shooting.
After the release of Deepika Padukone’s first look as Rani Padmavati from the film, one of the members of Karni Sena said that they will oppose the screening if facts will be distorted in the upcoming film.
We can’t wait for 13:03!
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