Actor and MP, Vinod Khanna was hospitalised following severe dehydration problem, as revealed by his son Rahul Khanna in an official statement. While fans from all corners are wishing the actor a speedy recover, a picture of him from the hospital is being circulated on the internet. And it’s heartbreaking. It shows the drastic weight loss the actor has undergone and also makes him appear quite weak.
But the picture has also a lot to convey about life than just an ailing Vinod Khanna. The sad truth that almost all of us choose to ignore throughout our lives. The fact that we have no control over our lives and one has to surrender to the life-cycle one day. No amount of success, fandom or star power is enough to ensure lifetime happiness. The picture has the same Vinod Khanna whom we have seen and appreciated on the big screen many times. Many also got a chance to became more familiar with him during his political career, as he became MP from Gurdaspur. But, what it highlights is a sheer sense of the importance of being close to our loved ones.
The picture which has him sharing a happy moment with wife Kavita and daughter Saakshi Khanna is also a proof of how essential is the love and support of family. When we are in a situation like this, too weak to even figure out what we want, wanting to just be healthy, all that helps us to be at peace with ourselves are the relationships that we have nurtured throughout our lives.
The veteran actor has an entire era of Hindi cinema in himself. Seeing him like this, fighting for good health is agonizing. While Rahul or anybody else from his family and team hasn’t mentioned anything about cancer, it is said that he himself revealed about the condition during a press conference in Gurdaspur once. Rahul statement’s though reads like:
Dad was hospitalised on Friday for severe dehydration. The situation was quickly brought under control, he’s doing much better and the doctors are looking to discharge him soon. Our family is most grateful for the extraordinary care he’s been receiving at the hospital and we are touched by all the good wishes pouring in.
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We too wish him good health!
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