Actress Priyanka Chopra has returned to India after wrapping up the shoot of the second season of her popular American TV series Quantico. After showing her acting skills in films like Fashion, Barfi! and Mary Kom among others, she recently donned the producer’s hat for her maiden home production Punjabi film Sarvann. Apart from this, Priyanka’s also ventured into Marathi cinema and produced Ventilator, which went on to bag National Award in three categories.
The film won Best Director, Best Editing and Best Sound Mixing awards. To celebrate this success, Priyanka hosted a success party on Tuesday in Mumbai. Needless to say, the event turned out to be star-studded night in the presence of many celebrities.
For the event, the former Miss World wore a chic summery TommyXGigi skirt with an ice-blue coloured cami. Here are the ten photos of Priyanka Chopra from the party that prove how she is the most happily successful actress in the industry today:
Also Read: Baywatch actress Priyanka Chopra’s latest cover shot is simple yet beautiful
On the work front, she is also gearing up for the release of her Hollywood debut film Baywatch. In the film, she will be seen essaying a negative character, Victoria Leeds. Slated to release during summer this year, it also features Dwayne Johnson and Zac Efron. Apart from this, Priyanka has also been signed to play the character of Indian astronaut Kalpana Chawla in her biopic.
Also Read: Priyanka Chopra to play Kalpana Chawla in her biopic. Here are the details
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