Today’s reigning Bollywood stars Sonam Kapoor, Ranbir Kapoor and Tiger Shroff shared screen space with the biggest Bollywood stars of like Salman Khan, Aamir Khan and Anil Kapoor in the 90s. Surprised? Well, thanks to this throwback music video we laid our hands on a treasure trove of cuteness of star kids from a time when they were far from being the big stars they are today. Released in the year 1993, the music video was made for the TV audience at a time when songs with themes of patriotism and unity in diversity like ‘Mile sur mera tumhara’ used to be very popular. The song “Pyara Bharat Yeh Kahe” stars Sonam Kapoor, Ranbir Kapoor and Tiger Shroff with their fathers. All of them looked super cute.
The song opens with little Tiger Shroff sitting on Jackie Shroff’s lap. Then comes Sonam Kapoor with Anil Kapoor and finally Rishi Kapoor with Ranbir Kapoor. All the fathers are singing: “sun sun mere nanhe sun, sun sun sun mere munne sun”. Tiger was the youngest of all the three. The song also starred Salman Khan and Aamir Khan.
Interestingly, the writer came across the video while researching for IMBD ratings of Salman Khan films. While most of early Salman Khan has an average of 5.5 IMBD rating, this song has an IMBD rating of 7.8.
All of the star kids have now grown up to be well known Bollywood celebrities. Sonam Kapoor is undoubtedly in the most stylish actress Bollywood has ever produced.
The little kid sitting on Jackie Shroff’s lap has grown up to be an energetic young man adept at dancing and stunts.
How time flies! Sigh!
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