Kareena Kapoor Khan is making her comeback with Veere Di Wedding post her pregnancy. Ever since the film got announced, it has been creating a lot buzz and for all the good reasons. In the film, Bebo will be seen essaying the main lead along with Sonam Kapoor and Swara Bhaskar. Now, according to the latest buzz, the actress is all set to romance digital star Sumeet Vyas in this Rhea Kapoor’s production. Known for his TVF’s popular web series Permanent Roommates, the actor is likely to play Kareena’s on-screen husband in the film.
Talking about sharing the screen space for the very first time with Sumeet, while talking to a leading daily, Bebo said: “Rhea’s got a solid plan. I’ll meet Sumeet soon and everyone’s excited about starting the shoot.”
Meanwhile, Sumeet, who was last seen in Radhika Apte starrer Parched also talked about how excited he was for the film and revealed some interesting details about his character. He said that even though it’s a woman-centric film, his character is pivotal to the story.
“My character brings a sense of humour to the plot. Shashanka made it clear that it wasn’t just a male part thrown into the picture. He wanted a solid actor on board. But I’m not being delusional, I know it’s a film about four girls with a mind-blowing script!” he said.
Directed by Shashanka Ghosh, Veere Di Wedding is about four women who embark on a trip from Delhi to Europe. While Sonam Kapoor and Swara Bhaskar have earlier worked together in films like Raanjhanaa and Prem Ratan Dhan Payo, it is going to be a first-hand experience for Kareena to work with the duo. The film also has Shikha Talsania in a key role.
Also Read: Kareena Kapoor attends dietitian Rujuta Diwekar book launch and looks hot as ever
Veere Di Wedding will go on floors in September this year.
Source: Mumbai Mirror
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