Actress Raveena Tandon, who earlier worked with Sanjay Dutt in films like Kshatriya, Vijeta and L.O.C Kargil revealed that she had a huge crush on the actor. During a promotional interview for her next film Shab, Raveena was asked about her favourite stars and she said that though her choice has changed with time, she has fond memories of being an all-in-all Sanju Baba fan.
“In my childhood days, I was a fan of Rishi Kapoor and then when I grew up a bit, I had a crush on Sanjay Dutt. I have worked with him in seven films. I used to be very scared while working with him as I couldn’t believe that I was actually doing a film with someone whose poster were all over my room’s wall,” the actress revealed. Raveena Tandon, who is gearing up for her upcoming film Shab further added, “I had a huge crush on him.”
Talking about Shab, Raveena said: “It is a very sensitive film which deals with relationships. Relationships are never easy and are always complicated. The film is made with a very ensemble cast and mostly it talks about relationships and the way people are connected to each other. I strongly feel that when people will watch this film, they will easily connect to the central characters.”
Also Read: Raveena Tandon writes a fiery open letter urging people to act together to curb crimes against women
The actress, who has portrayed some memorable characters in films like Daman and Satta, said that she loves trying different things and new characters always excite her.
“I mostly try to do different characters. After Maatr, you will see me here in a very glamorous avatar with shades of grey in it. Doing different things excites me. I like to do things which challenge me as an actor, something which I never did before. So all that is exciting for me, and I hope I am successful in this as well,” she expressed.
Also Read: Rape apart, Raveena Tandon’s Maatr is a commentary on spineless men in our society
Directed by Onir, Shab also features Arpita Chatterjee, Ashish Bisht, Simon Frenay, Gaurav Nanda, and Areesz Ganddi. The film is scheduled to release on June 30.
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