Sonam Kapoor will be receiving the National Film award today and obviously, she is elated. The actress got a special mention for her performance in the 2016 release Neerja. Speaking about the big day, Sonam said she is nervous but the award has reinstated her faith in herself. Sonam revealed how the entire Kapoor family is happy for her. Sonam said father Anil Kapoor and mother Sunita Kapoor will be accompanying her for the ceremony.
However, this is not the first time that Sonam will go on stage to receive an award. The diva had gone on stage to receive an award on behalf of Anil Kapoor, whose production Gandhi My Father, won the award in 2008. “He could not make it because he was in South Africa shooting for a film. Now, it is a matter of great pride that his daughter is on the same stage,” Sonam said recalling the incident during an interview to a leading entertainment portal
While speaking to the portal, Sonam said she got a lot of wishes after the awards were announced. The best wish, she said, came from her father who said she deserved every bit of it. “The biggest compliment came from my father, he told me, ‘You won because you deserved it’. I was questioning myself whether I deserved it. And then Amitabh Bachchan, Amitji, was the first to message me congratulations. He too told me that I deserved it. And obviously, Shabani ji and Anupam uncle, all these industry stalwarts, messaged me and called me. Vidya, Rani, all these people I admire and look upto, all their compliments meant the world.”
Also read: Ahead of National Award felicitation, Akshay Kumar shares a MUST WATCH video #DirectDilSe
Talking about her choices, Sonam revealed she took suggestions from Anil because he has been in industry for long. But at the end, the decisions were her own and no one else’s. When asked if after National Award she would get picky about the roles, Sonam answered in the negative. She said she would take roles which struck a chord with her.
The diva, known for her impeccable fashion sense, will be wearing a green coloured saree by Anamika Khanna for the ceremony.
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