Actor Govinda, who had shot a cameo for Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina Kaif starrer in South Africa thanked veteran actor Rishi Kapoor for supporting him in Jagga Jasoos incident. The actor seemed upset after he came to know that his part has not been retained in the film’s final edit. In an interview with a leading daily, finally, Govinda has broken his silence about the issue, he said: “I want to say, ‘Thank you Rishi sir. At last, you showed concern. Good blood never speaks wrong’.”
Rishi Kapoor who has never shied away from expressing his thought in public on Monday, July 24, slammed director Anurag Basu for being unprofessional and chopping Govinda’s portion from the film.
Govinda earlier expressed his disappointment and shared that he didn’t charge any amount for appearing in the Anurag Basu directorial. Further talking about the same, he also revealed that why he didn’t react much out the incident.
Also Read: Rishi Kapoor slams Anurag Basu, says it is unprofessional to throw Govinda out of Jagga Jasoos
“I didn’t react much because I have huge respect for the Kapoor family. Also, I truly feel that it’s the director’s (Anurag) call to do what he wants to do with his film, but a little professionalism is expected. I had no clue what they were up to. They were busy with their own things and I wasn’t even informed about it (his ouster from the film). This, despite me doing the film without even charging for it. I was unwell and on drips, but I still travelled to South Africa for the shoot as I didn’t want people to feel that I am unprofessional or making excuses.”
Further on being asked, if he will do more cameo role in movies after what happened with him in Jagga Jasoos, the actor replied: “There might not be a second time as I might only do it for the Kapoors or Salman Khan’s family. Not that I don’t think the others are less important, it’s just that these families are special for me and I hold them in high regard”.
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Also featuring Katrina Kaif in the female lead, Jagga Jasoos is a musical drama which narrates the story of a teenage detective essayed by Ranbir Kapoor, who is in search of his missing father.
Source: Bombay Times
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