The Khans have been ruling the Bollywood industry since a long time. They have carved out their independent spaces in the filmy career and the trio enjoys a massive fan following without a doubt. When Om Shanti Om hit the screens and we saw Salman, Shah Rukh, and Saif coming together for the very first time on a big screen – all hell broke lose. We definitely missed Aamir’s presence and since then, being an avid Bollywood fan, we want to see Shah Rukh Khan, Aamir Khan and Salman Khan together in a film. And it is being said that the three Khans might be coming soon for a big project but when?
SRK has been vocal about so many things in his life. So when he was asked about this dream possibility, the actor was honest about it. Like a true optimist, he spilled the beans regarding a project wherein this can happen in real life. The actor in a recent interview got candid about the possibility and said that everything depends on a perfect script. SRK added that he is very much willing to work with Aamir and Salman provided the script is as strong as Ocean’s Eleven.
However, the actor stated that he did not find an appropriate script as of yet that can justify to all the actors present in the film. The king of romance dropped in a surprise by saying that he knows about a movie that has leading Bollywood ladies. Shah Rukh concluded by saying that the he is very open to the idea and is optimistic about it.
On the professional front, the three Khans are busy in their mega projects. SRK is currently shooting for Imtiaz Ali’s next whereas Salman Khan has Kabir Khan’s Tubelight. Aamir Khan, on the other hand, will be seen next in Secret Superstar.
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