In the Kangana Ranaut-Hrithik Roshan battle, several prominent Bollywood personalities have come out in support of the latter. This happened after Hrithik Roshan opened up about his side of the story for the first time and gave out intricate details and the entire timeline of his interactions with Kangana Ranaut on national television. In these interviews, he sought to prove that he and Kangana never had an affair as alleged by the Queen star. Ever since his interviews, actors like Sonam Kapoor, Farhan Akhtar, Rohit Roy, Dia Mirza have sided with the actor. In fact, Farhan Akhtar wrote a long emotional post claiming what Kangana did was in “terrible taste”.
However, Kangana hasn’t been so lucky. When she spilled the beans on her alleged affair with Hrithik Roshan and claimed she was “intimidated” with a legal notice after she made the “silly ex” comment during a media interaction, no one from the industry lend support to her side of the story. Her only spokesperson has been her sister Rangoli. But the provocative language of her visceral tweets hasn’t gone down well many.
In the face of these conflicting details and claims, here’s looking back at an old blog post of Kangana’s school friend Dr. Bondina Elangbam.
Also read: Hrithik Roshan-Kangana Ranaut fight is not about stalking and hacking. Here’s what it’s really about
Bondina, who is from North-East is also a poetess. Kangana had released her book last year, looking resplendent in a phanek – the traditional dress of Manipur.
Bondina’s heartfelt letter on Kangana Ranaut and her life struggles makes for an interesting read and gives us an outsiders’ perspective into one of the most controversial yet talented actresses of our times.
Here are some snatches from the letter penned in 2016.
Since she came from a Hindi medium school, the first few months was a little difficult for her to adjust at the new school (D.A.V. Model School, Sec15A). Both Kangana and I struggled in the new school, but it was a lot harder for her since she had to converse everything in English.
She would do mimicry during the short break after our daily study time and I remember asking her once whether she would think of acting as a career, she replied, “nahi, acting toh nahi”, then I asked her again, “Suppose you get an offer from Yash Raj?” that time she smiled and told me, “tab mein dekhungi”, but neither she nor I in our wildest dream had any clue about her present fame/stardom.
We don’t talk often because of the distance and our respective schedules but we never forgot each other. In April 2015 Kangana invited us (the three roommates) for a reunion at Chandigarh. It was a sweet and short stay but a memorable one. We hung out like good old days with the QUEEN of Bollywood.
Also read: Hrithik Roshan-Kangana Ranaut row: What the hell is exactly happening on Arnab Goswami’s debates?
Bondina then weighed in into the problem. She said Kangana’s success made people jealous. She added:
Her success was the main problem, “some” people couldn’t take it lightly. It is very easy for “some” people who are intimidated with her success to point daggers at her but CANNOT bleed her because she is an iron lady. Whenever Kangana moves ahead in life, it is very unfair to judge anyone based on the perspective of some people’s stories. How much truth is embedded in their stories? I know her in and out, how kind she is. An actor who still keeps in touch with her old school friends and spare time to meet them, who has not forgotten her roots, CANNOT be a “psychopath”, a “whore”, a “witch”.
Also read: Hrithik Roshan-Kangana Ranaut row: Can a woman be tried for stalking? Here’s what the law says
In the recent time, when Bollywood seemed to have chosen sides, it is a breath of fresh air to know what the other side Kangana. You can read the entire post here
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