Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s period drama has been in the limelight since its inception. Ever since the film went on floors, the journey has been troublesome for the Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh and Shahid Kapoor-starrer Padmavati. From set vandalization to burning the film’s poster, goons have tried every possible antic to harm and destroy anything related to the film which they term as controversial. And now, even a rangoli couldn’t be spared. Recently, a rangoli made by an artist named Karan K was destroyed in Gujarat. A group of 100 people shouting ‘Jai Shree Ram’ destroyed his creation which had taken him 48 hours of hard work and dedication.
As soon as the trailer of the film was out, it grabbed the media headlines for depicting the Rajashtani royalty in all its grandeur. The trailer showed how much hard work the team Padmavati had put in the movie. And this inspired Karan K to make a rangoli dedicating it to Padmavati, however, his beautiful creation was ruined within minutes by vandals. He took to Twitter and shared the pictures of the incident. He tweeted:
#padmavati Rangoli controversy!
Acrowd of 100people cried JAY SRI RAM n rubbed out my 48 hrs’ intense work! @deepikapadukone@FilmPadmavati— KARAN K. (@KARANK19522136) October 15, 2017
It is really sad to see that the intense work of an artist destroyed in minutes. However, we are still trying to figure out the connection between Lord Ram and Padmavati.
Also read: Padmavati trailer: Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh and Shahid Kapoor’s film seems worth the wait
For the unintended, the shooting of the movie didn’t go smooth and got halted because of one or the other untoward incident. It got embroiled in controversies mostly because few fringe groups did not agree with the film’s storyline. When SLB and his team went to Rajasthan to shoot for Padmavati, they ran into trouble with Karni Sena who vandalised the sets and even assaulted SLB.
The film is scheduled to hit the theatres on December 1.
Check out the trailer of Padmavati here:
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