Vidyut Jammwal recorded the conversation that Ram Gopal Varma had with him and shared it on his Twitter account. In the conversation he leaked, RGV called Tiger Shroff a transgender and seemed quite drunk. The Commando 2 actor called RGV after the filmmaker went on a Twitter spree where he asked Vidyut and Tiger to fight with each other. He had tweeted that Tiger would defeat Vidyut in just one blow.
It seems Vidyut called RGV to iron out the differences and understand what those tweets actually meant. We all know how Ram Gopal Varma is obsessed with Tiger Shroff. Only recently he called Tiger a bikini babe and told him he didn’t have the body of an actor.
But looks like Tiger Shroff’s obsession has yet not left RGV. He called Tiger different names like- a woman, transgender, and lot more. This call that Vidyut shared is definitely explosive. But it seems after Vidyut shared the call, RGV understood his mistake. He took to Twitter to apologise for his act and said that Vidyut made him realise his mistake.
Also read: After calling him ‘bikini babe’, Ram Gopal Varma now wants Tiger Shroff to fight Vidyut Jammwal
The filmmaker tweeted, “I want to thank @VidyutJammwal for the extraordinary expose not to the people about me, but for exposing me to myself about myself. I truly thank @VidyutJammwal for my changeover nd I want to apologise to Bruce Lee for not understanding him the way Vidyut made me realise.”
Listen to the call here:
Forget the Shaolin Monk style, check out @RGVZoomin‘s #drunkenmasterstyle
— Vidyut Jammwal (@VidyutJammwal) April 11, 2017
I truly thank @VidyutJammwal for my changeover nd I want to apologise to Bruce Lee for not understanding him the way Vidyut made me realise
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) April 11, 2017
It goes without saying that by speaking ill for Tiger, Ram Gopal Varma has hit a new low. When he tagged Tiger Shroff and called him a bikini babe a few weeks ago, he asked him to learn machoism from Jackie Shroff. Interestingly, Jackie Shroff has an important role to play in RGV’s Sarkaar 3. Will Jackie now stand up for his son and ask RGV to mend his ways and stop demeaning Tiger every now and then? We hope this happens.
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