Salman Khan and Karia Kaif will next be seen in their upcoming film Tiger Zinda Hai. After completing their Abu Dhabi schedule, the duo is all set for their Morocco shoot. Director Ali Abbas Zafar took to his social media platform and posted a video. Both the actors are gearing up to shoot some high tech-action sequences for their next action film, but did you know what the scene is going to be? Well, Ali has given some sneak peek from the on-location of the film.
Sharing the video on his Twitter page, Ali wrote: “Action preparations in full swing Tiger Zinda Hai with Tom Struthers and team. Shoot stars tomorrow. Nervous and excited”.
Earlier, actress Katrina Kaif was seen spotted preparing for the action sequences. The pictures of the Jagga Jasoos actress recently went viral on the social media platform. Check out the images here:
Also Read: Dear Salman Khan, Tiger Zinda Hai is ‘critic proof’ but NOT Tubelight! — Opinion
Taking about the action sequences in Tiger Zinda Hai, a source close from the film’s unit revealed: “Director Ali Abbas Zafar has committed to deliver action, stunts and fight sequences that will compete with global standards with Tiger Zinda Hai. To shoot for Katrina’s action scenes, Tom Struthers, the action and stunts director of the film worked with her. Buster Reeves, the fight coordinator of many Hollywood films, also worked with Katrina on this portion. Given Struthers shot for certain action sequences for Christopher Nolan’s Batman films including the Dark Knight Rises, expect the absolute best from these scenes. There are also stuntmen from France, UK and Spain involved in this portion, which is quite elaborate.”
Watch the videos shared by the Ali Abbas Zafar here:
Action preparations in full swing @TigerZindaHai with #Tom Struthers and team 🙂 . Shoot stars tmrw . Nervous and excited
— ali abbas zafar (@aliabbaszafar) July 16, 2017
Also Read: Here’s why Salman Khan called himself a ‘fool’ for doing Tiger Zinda Hai
So, now after watching the video, it wont be wrong to say that Ali Abbas Zafar’s next Bollywood outing will be a visual treat for all Salman and Katrina’s fans. A sequel to 2012 released Ek Tha Tiger, the upcoming film will mark the comeback of Salman and Katrina after a gap of a long time.
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