Akshay Kumar and Bhumi Pednekar-starrer Toilet: Ek Prem Katha continues to enjoy its dream run at the Box Office. The Shree Narayan Singh directorial, set against the backdrop of Narendra Modi government’s Swacch Bharat Mission, has earned more than Rs 115 crore. Released on August 11, the film enjoyed a glorious second weekend as it collected a total of Rs 19 crore. According to trade analyst, Taran Adarsh, TEPK might edge past Akshay’s 2012 blockbuster Rowdy Rathore, which has been the actor’s highest ever grosser. Directed by Prabhu Deva, the film also featured Sonakshi Sinha and had collected Rs 131.21 crore at the Box Office.
TEPK is the fifth consecutive hit of the 49-year-old actor after Airlift, Rustom, Housefull 3 and Jolly LLB2. It crossed the collections of Jab Harry Met Sejal in just four days of its theatrical release.
Set in a village near Mathura, the film chronicles the story of Keshav (Akshay), whose wife Jaya (Bhumi) leaves him after finding out that there was no toilet in the house. During an event to celebrate the success of his film, Akshay said that love stories were important in a socially relevant film.
Akshay, who received his first National Award for Rustom this year, said that he preferred inserting commercial elements in the scripts to ensure that the audience is entertained.”I had done a social film long back called Khatta Meetha but that didn’t work. It was about road construction but it takes time for people to get into the social kind of mood. I never make my film completely social as I often add a lot of commercial elements in the story. I make sure that there is a love story in my films. In-fact, to be very honest, I remember the love story more than the social aspect of the film,” he said.
Week 1: ₹ 96.05 cr
Weekend 2: ₹ 19 cr
Total: ₹ 115.05 cr
India biz. #TEPK— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) August 21, 2017
Akshay will be next seen as an antagonist in Rajinikanth’s sci-fi thriller 2.0 that releases on January 25. It is a sequel to 2010 blockbuster Enthiran.
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