Akshay Kumar and Bhumi Pednekar have teamed up for the first time for the much-awaited release of Toilet: Ek Prem Katha. The film has hit the screens today, August 11, and the fans of the star are flocking to theatres to catch the early shows. The Shree Narayan Singh directorial intends to spread awareness about hygienic sanitary practices. The idea of the film is rooted in the sorry state of India, where many still defecate in the open. Toilet: Ek Prem Katha hopes to talk about the sensitive issue in an entertaining manner.
In the film, Akshay plays the role of Keshav, a man who wants to get married. When his dreams are finally realised, his wife- Jaya (played by Bhumi Pednekar) leaves him because there was no toilet in the house. On seeing his beloved take such a strong stand for herself, Keshav takes it upon himself to build a toilet. In the process, he fights the conservative mentality of people in his village.
How Keshav gains courage and fights his own people for something which is right, forms the crux of Toilet: Ek Prem Katha. The presence of a star like Akshay has increased hopes for everyone. Since Bollywood desperately needs a hit right now, almost everyone is hoping this film would end the dry spell.
Here are the live updates of the film:
12:01 PM: All in all the movie manages to convey the message which is was supposed to.
11: 46 AM: Anupam Kher makes his presence felt
11: 44 AM: If you change nothing, nothing will change. What an important point
11: 40 AM: What a twist! Only if it had come sooner
11: 27 AM: Jab tak samsya neeji na ho, kaun lade, kaun hal nikaale… Another important lesson
11: 12 AM: It’s getting lost… The cause of the film is getting lost in the love story
11:07 AM: The movie resumes with an important message
10: 42 AM: Interval it is!
Also read: This ironical photo of man peeing on poster of Akshay Kumar’s Toilet: Ek Prem Katha has gone viral
10: 38 AM: Bhumi looks so gorgeous in a saree! Simple and elegant
10: 21 AM: Bhumi Pednekar’s accent is mind blowing. And she’s killing it as desi bahu having modern khayal
10: 14 AM: “Mangal kya, ab toh bhaiya dangal karego.” This #herokadost is super amazing!
9: 56 AM: Such a colorful movie… Holi or no holi!
9: 52 AM: Nafrat karne me time nahi lagta, pyaar samajhne me lagta hai! So many hidden dialogues. But why is stalking a part of all this?
9:47 AM: Now, Has mat pagle pyaar ho jayega! Apart from melodious tune, it’s beautiful to see how the song is taking the story forward
9: 43 AM: “Tabhi mujhe train pasand hain, yahan ladies or gents ke toilets me farq nahi hota,” Akshay rocks his one liners
9: 38 AM: And it begins. Akshay weaves the magic from the very first scene.
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