Less than 12 hours are left for Salman Khan to take us for an emotional journey with his upcoming film Tubelight. After a long hiatus, he shares the screen space with his brother Sohail Khan, who is also his sibling in the Kabir Khan directorial. Also featuring in the 1962 Sino-Indian war drama are Chinese actress Zhu Zhu, child artiste Matin Rey Tangu, late Om Puri and Mohammad Zeeshan Ayyub. Shah Rukh Khan has done a cameo in the films, and it is after a long gap of 10 years when he has appeared in a film with Salman.
Salman Khan has a huge fan following across the world. Besides the United States, the 51-year-old actor has millions of admirers in neighbouring country Canada. If you happen to stay there and wondering whether you would be able to watch the film or not, don’t panic. Here is a list of theatres in prominent cities of Canada that will screen Tubelight
If you stay in Ottawa, Cineplex Cinemas will be showing the film. The show timings are 1:50 pm, 5:40 pm and 9:40 pm.
If you are resident of Toronto, there are few theatres wherein you can catch the first day’s show of Tubelight. Cineplex, a prominent multiplex chain in the country is screening the movie. Cineplex Cinemas Yonge-Dundas and VIP on Dundas Street East has shows at 12:30 pm, 4:05 pm, 7:40 pm and 11:20 pm.
Similarly, you can also watch the movie at Cineplex Odeon Eglinton Town Centre Cinemas on Lebovic Avenue. The theatre will screen Tubelight at 2:45 pm, 6:30 pm and 10:15 pm. Cineplex Cinemas Vaughan has shows at 2 pm, 6.05 pm and 11.20 pm.
Cinema Cineplex Forum on St. Catherine St. West Suite 101 will screen the film at 12.50 pm, 4.25 pm and 8 pm.
Also read: Tubelight at UAE Box Office: No huge buzz for the Salman Khan film currently but let Monday come
Tubelight can be watched at Cineplex Odeon Sunridge Spectrum Cinemas on 2555-32nd Street NE. The showtimes are 1:45 pm, 5:45 pm and 9:35 pm
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