Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan coming together after ten years for a movie is a huge thing. Kabir Khan brought these two together in Tubelight which releases today. Since Tubelight went on floors, one of the major selling points of the movie is the Khans sharing screen space. Critics have said seeing them together is truly magical. As important as this cast is for the movie, it is really sad to see people share the clip from the theatres on social media.
The movie released in parts of the world today and all of India today. Undoubtedly, Tubelight was the top trend on Twitter today, but many of those tweets gave away the clip from the movie featuring Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan. Now, we know that SRK plays the role of a magician in the movie who somehow helps Salman Khan’s character Laxman Singh Bisht in his journey.
Speaking about the role of Shah Rukh Khan, Kabir Khan had said it demanded a superstar. He also revealed how Shah Rukh Khan was roped in for the movie and how he readily agreed to be a part of it. Telling more about Shah Rukh and Salman, Kabir Khan said when the two stars performed their scenes, it was nothing short of a sheer pleasure. He said the entire crew use to turn audience during the filming. The superstars themselves heaped praises on each other to tell why it was amazing to work after so long.
Considering all the factors that have engulfed SRK’s cameo in Tubelight it would be really wrong if only is leaked. The camaraderie between Salman and SRK is to be experienced on the big screen. Also, it is really unfair for the viewers who have been waiting for this epic reunion for months now, to see it on a WhatsApp forward or social media. When Baahubali 2 released on 28 April, a clip which gave the answer to the million dollar question- Why Kattappa Killed Baahubali? went viral. For filmmakers, this is like a punishment for a deed they didn’t commit when an important scene of the movie gets leaked.
Tweets like these, however, have contributed in ruining the experience:
#ShahRukhKhan impresses in his short yet interesting cameo as magician #Gogopasha #TubelightDay #Tubelight
— Aashu Mishra (@Aashu9) June 23, 2017
Also read: Salman Khan’s Tubelight has already set a BIG Box Office record worldwide with its release
It goes without saying that cine-goers should stick to experiencing magic on screen rather than falling prey to social media forwards.
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