Salman Khan launched the trailer of his much-awaited movie Tubelight in presence of media and fans. The trailer gave a glimpse into what the Kabir Khan movie would be. But apart from the Salman Khan, Om Puri and Sohail Khan, Tubelight is also special as it features Shah Rukh Khan in a cameo. Chances are you might have already seen the trailer. But did you spot Shah Rukh Khan in it?
Well, if you haven’t, we are here to the rescue. At exactly 2:08 in the trailer, Shah Rukh Khan was seen in the trailer. His silhouette and spread arms did the trick for us, and that is how we knew it was Shah Rukh Khan.
Here is a still from the trailer that will make you believe in it:
The cameo by Shah Rukh Khan has become one of the most talked about things about Tubelight. When the news came that SRK will be a part of Salman’s movie, fans of both the superstars went crazy. Speaking about Shah Rukh Khan’s role in the movie, Kabir Khan had said that the role was screaming for a superstar. The director said that Shah Rukh Khan readily agreed to be a part of the movie when the role was offered to him. It is reported that SRK plays the role of a magician in the movie.
After watching SRK in the trailer, we were reminded of his song Chhaiya Chhaiya. Remember how he was seen coming out from a tunnel in it? This one too gave major feels of the same. Watch it here for the love of Shah Rukh Khan:
Tubelight marks the return of Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan to the silver screen after ten years. They were last seen sharing screen space in Om Shanti Om, that released in 2007. In this Farah Khan directorial the two shook a leg at the title track of the movie. Post the release of Om Shanti Om, Salman and SRK had an ugly fallout. However, after the Iftaar party of Congress Leader Baba Siddiqui and the wedding of Arpita Khan Sharma, the two ironed out their differences. Their fans got a chance to see both of them together in the ninth season of Bigg Boss. And now that Salman and Shah Rukh are sharing screen space after so long, their fans can rejoice.
The film will release on June 23.
Just for some flashbacks:
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