Twinkle Khanna has turned producer for husband Akshay Kumar who is currently shooting for his upcoming film Padman. The film is based on the life of Arunuchalam Muruganantham, who invented cheap sanitary napkins for the women in his village. Twinkle said men are reluctant to talk about sanitary pads and also hesitant to talk about periods. She said that hopefully, the film will cater to the people across the world.
We know Akshay Kumar is enjoying a magical run at the box office. Almost all his recent films have crossed the Rs 100 crore club. But Twinkle said the motive behind the film is not to rake in moolah alone.
“Eventually, I hope we can make sanitary pads free. An online petition is already in place over the issue. They are necessities, not luxuries,” Twinkle told DNA. Adding further, she said the motive behind the film is to push the petition further and she will work towards it.
Directed by R Balki, the film also features Radhika Apte and Sonam Kapoor in pivotal roles. Amitabh Bachchan is also doing a cameo. Apte is reportedly playing Akshay’s wife whereas Sonam essays the role of an English teacher. It is for the first time when Radhika and Akshay are sharing screen space and the flick is being shot in a village near Indore.
Also read: Padman: A peek at the roles Amitabh Bachchan and Sonam Kapoor will be playing in Akshay Kumar’s film
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