The morning began with some photos of Ranbir Kapoor and Mahira Khan showing up on the internet and entire hell broke loose. The photos have created a sensation, a) because it shows Ranbir and Mahira chilling out together and b) it shows the actress smoking a cigarette. A woman smoking is a big deal anyway. Here, it became much bigger a deal since the photos had a Pakistani woman smoking and that too in an Indian man’s company. What has also not gone down well with people is the fact that Mahira was wearing a short dress and that there was a ‘mark’ on her back (which people think is a love-bite, apparently).
So, while the people on social media are busy talking about many things, Ranbir and Mahira have caught their attention for all the above reasons. What is disgusting though amid all the gossips is people are indulging character assassination of the actress. From calling her a slut to shaming her for ‘having a deal’ with Ranbir, haters have used all tricks to pull Mahira Khan down. More hypocritical is the fact that while Mahira can be seen facing the entire brunt of these critics, there’s no word against Ranbir. Come on, he is also seen smoking and has been spotted with the woman, you are busy trolling!
Sample these cringe-worthy Tweets:
Anticipating a book coming out soon: “The Rise and Fall of Mahira Khan”. #MahiraKhan
— Zeeshan Mahmood (@zeeshaandaar) September 21, 2017
#mahirakhan @TheMahiraKhan Sharma Se Mar Jao Pak Se Dafa ho jao shot dress oper cigrt tm jesi paki girls actors pak ko band karti
— Ammad Paracha (@Ammad_paracha1) September 21, 2017
@TheMahiraKhan Yesterday’s sluts are today’s empowered women. And today’s sluts are celebrities.#MahiraKhan #NewYork
— مطمئن بےغیرت (@M_Haseeb_Khan) September 21, 2017
Divorce aisay hi nahi hojandi 😛#mahirakhan
— (@anoldsoul3) September 21, 2017
Mahira Why Ranbir? Are you crazy? I ‘m shocked #MahiraKhan @TheMahiraKhan
— Sara fawad khan (@fk656627) September 21, 2017
#RanbirKapoor #MahiraKhan
— Akanksha (@akankshabhatt3) September 21, 2017
True face of @TheMahiraKhan . She is exposed once a bitch always a bitch. @MahiraKhan_FP #MahiraKhan #RanbirKapoor
— Hamza (@hamzaknyu) September 21, 2017
#KimKardashian had to pose naked and the internet noticed whilst #mahirakhan smoked a wee cigarette and people are losing if. Kim < Mahira
— K (@Karprategreed) September 21, 2017
Hamaray logo ki haya sirf pakistan ki boundaries tak he mehdood hain.. #mahirakhan
— Haroon (@Haroonayy) September 21, 2017
These imagines of #MahiraKhan are disappointing but Everyone is forgetting she is a mother also….
— Muneba- (@MunebaC) September 21, 2017
Why the hell is this moral brigade after #MahiraKhan ? She has a life , let her live. She isn’t your property idiots
— Zain Awan (@zainwain) September 22, 2017
Boht he koi farigh Awam hai, ik taraf #Mahirakhan ko Galiyan nikal rahy hain, Dosri Taraf usko islam seekha rahy hain, bloody hypocrites
— Saira(@S_Raja_) September 22, 2017
When you are smoking and suddenly mom enters in your room.#MahiraKhan #RanbirKapoor
— Abdullah Mouzzam (@AM_Visuals) September 21, 2017
And then there were some who were just concerned about how good the two were looking together!
my fav actor and actress #RanbirKapoor and #MahiraKhan are in relation now. they will make a best pair ever. GOD Bless
— SPYDER Dutt (@ranbir_adhm) September 22, 2017
Putting everything to rest, Mahira and Ranbir actually look amazing together #MahiraKhan #RanbirKapoor
— Nada! (@HaleemNada) September 21, 2017
Do you have a problem even if they are hooking up, though?
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