After making being in the news for his alleged relationship and marriage rumours with actress Nargis Fakhri, Uday Chopra is once again grabbing everyone’s attention. Unlike his relationship, this time the 44-year-old actor is in the limelight for his drastic transformation. Reportedly, Uday was spotted outside Emraan Hashmi’s place in a black T-shirt and blue jeans. The once-fit Uday Chopra had stacked on some kilos and looked totally unrecognizable! The pictures of the Dhoom star have gone viral since then.
Uday, who made his Bollywood debut with Mohabbatein in 2000 went on to work in films like Mere Yaar Ki Shaadi Hai, Mujhse Dosti Karoge! and Neal ‘n’ Nikki. However, it was Sanjay Gadhvi directorial Dhoom which helped him establish himself as an actor. The actor was appreciated by the audiences for his portrayal as Ali Akbar Fateh Khan aka Ali in the film. He was last seen in Dhoom 3 which released in 2013.
Also Read: Is Nargis Fakhri getting married to Uday Chopra? Hear it from the horse’s mouth
Here are the pictures that have left everyone dumbstruck:
Also Read: Uday Chopra tried defending fairness creams and got ruthlessly trolled on Twitter
We still can’t believe this is Uday Chopra!
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