Actor-singer Ayushmann Khurrana, who earlier entertained us with his songs including O Heeriye, Yahin Hoon Main and IK Vaari among others, revealed that he used to perform in trains to collect money during his college days. He is gearing up for the release of his forthcoming film Meri Pyaari Bindu. On Tuesday, Ayushmann was present along with his co-star Parineeti Chopra for the launch of the song Ye Jawaani Teri.
The song depicts the college days of the central characters Abhi and Bindu and when asked if he used to sing songs in his college days to impress girls, Ayushmann said: “During my college days I used to do a lot of theatre, live shows, street plays etc. so did not get much time to run after girls.
“In fact, I want to share how we used to perform in trains. During my college days, there was a train named ‘Pashchim Express’ that used to go from Delhi to Mumbai. So I, along with my friends, used to get onto the train and we used to go to every coach to sing and perform. Passengers used to give us money which we used to collect. We used to earn so much that we managed to sponsor our Goa trip from it! So yes, you can say I am a train singer,” news agency quoted him as saying.
Ayushmann started the press conference by singing the song Haareya from the upcoming film live before the media persons.
Meanwhile, Parineeti, who was also present with the actor termed him an “innocent guy”. She said, “Ayushmann is a very innocent guy, you won’t get any spicy stories from him.”
Produced by Yash Raj Films, Meri Pyaari Bindu is set to release on May 12.
Also Read Meri Pyaari Bindu: Ayushmann Khurrana loses his heart to Parineeti Chopra in new song Haareya
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Meanwhile, do watch the latest song from Meri Pyaari Bindu here:
(With inputs IANS)
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