Actress Vaani Kapor is in news today. Little because of her upcoming film with Ranveer Singh — Befikre and more because of her comment on the rumoured lip and chin surgery. The actress is returning to screen after a break of three years. Vaani debuted with YRF’s Shuddh Desi Romance in a supporting role for which she won a lot of awards. Now she will be seen preaching how to be carefree in love through YRF’s next which is slated to hit the screens on 9 December.
In an interview with Mid-day, the actress took a moment to talk about her looks in the film. She said that even though people are talking about her sudden weight loss, fuller lips and chin, she hasn’t gone under the knife. Her statement reads:
I have lost weight; my face is bound to look different. We shot in Paris when it was freezing; the cameras keep zooming in and out. The face looks different from different angles. I can’t afford surgery, I am only one-film old.
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In fact, before rolling out this answer, she asked the journo whether or not she looks like she has done something with her face. She said: “Does it look like I’ve done something? I don’t know what to say.”
What is the problem here?
No, the problem is not that she has or hasn’t gone under the knife but the fact that she had to release a clarification. Opting or not opting for a surgery should be her choice. Why did she need to defend herself at all? Yes, she looks different but it’s her body and she has all the rights to decide how she wants to look. Giving out such statements in the media only reflect her insecurity with the entire buzz.
What she could have done?
You take a stand when you truly feel concerned about the issue. Vaani commenting on her appearance proved that the entire buzz affected her negatively . And her denial added more to the buzz. A smart and strong way to handle the criticism would be to say that ‘It’s my body, my face. I will decide what to do with it and even if it hampers my look, I do not need to give any clarification. Good or bad, it’s my choice.’
But is she the only one at fault here?
Bollywood has had a history of actresses denying cosmetic surgeries. As if, this would make them a less an actress or woman than those who haven’t gone under the knife. When Anushka Sharma was asked about her lip job, she instantly refused to have undergone a surgery. In fact, she said that she has been using a lip filler injection because her character in her then upcoming — Bombay Velvet demanded it. Kangana Ranaut also denied the rumours of undergoing breast implant surgery. Other actresses like Sridevi, Shilpa Shetty and Priyanka Chopra among others too deny undergoing cosmetic surgeries to look different. What stops actresses from building a strong stance in such issues and say that what they do or not do with their bodies is their mandate? Instead of accepting or denying the news, why don’t we often hear them saying that ‘I don’t owe anybody any clarification in this matter,’ the way they do when it comes to talk about their love affairs.
Also read: Ranveer, Vaani’s new song Je T’aime is the soul of Befikre
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