Ever since Priyanka Chopra stepped out to meet Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi flaunting her legs in a short dress, a lot has been talked and written about her. The actress got trolled for allegedly showing disrespect to the honorable minister. However, Priyanka has now found support in Varun Dhawan against trolls. Varun came in support to Priyanka and said that there is no need to make social media trolling a national issue.
Varun during an event in Mumbai reacts to the controversy over meeting PM in a dress and said: “She is someone we all should be proud of in our country. She is making our country proud abroad and all this is very stupid. Social media trolling is not something that needs to become a national issue”
After she was trolled for wearing a short dress and flaunting her legs during her meeting with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Berlin, actress Priyanka Chopra shut all the trollers with just a “legs for days” photograph of herself along with her mother Madhu Chopra.
Priyanka on Tuesday drew flak on social media for sporting a short dress and flaunting her legs in front of Modi.
Priyanka then shared a photograph of herself with her mother on Tuesday night on Instagram. In the photograph, the Bajirao Mastani star is seen sporting a dress with a long slit in the front and flaunting her towering legs. Madhu is seen donning black top and a short skirt.
“Legs for days… It’s the genes with Madhu Chopra nights out in Berlin… Being ‘Baywatch’,” Priyanka captioned the image.
Modi is on a two-day visit to Germany. He arrived here on Monday on the first leg of his six-day, four-nation tour of Europe. From Germany, Modi will travel to Spain, Russia and France.
Priyanka was there to promote Baywatch, her debut Hollywood film when she called on Modi.
Legs for days…. #itsthegenes with @madhuchopra nights out in #Berlin #beingbaywatch
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