Varun Dhawan’s selfie with a fan has brought him on the wrong side of the law. The star was reprimanded by Mumbai Police for ignoring traffic rules just to take a selfie with a fan. When Mumbai Police learnt about the incident, they took to Twitter to call out Varun Dhawan for his little ‘adventure’ in the middle of the road. The official Twitter handle of the Mumbai police department also said they are sending an E-challan to his home.
Here’s what happened:
A fan, who was in an auto, was flabbergasted to see Varun Dhawan stuck in traffic with her and so, she, like any excited fan, tried to take a selfie. Varun, being the polite gentleman, happily obliged. Without caring much about the road safety, the Judwaa 2 leaned outside his car and clicked a selfie. When the incident caught Mumbai Police’s attention, they immediately took to Twitter to discipline Varun.
Here is what the Mumbai police tweeted:
.@Varun_dvn These adventures surely work on D silver screen but certainly not on the roads of Mumbai! U have risked ur life,ur admirer’s & few others. V expect better from a responsible Mumbaikar & youth icon like U! An E-Challan is on d way 2 ur home. Next time, V will B harsher
— Mumbai Police (@MumbaiPolice) November 23, 2017
After the tweet, Varun Dhawan was quick to apologise and say he would follow rules the next time. He tweeted:
My apologies Our cars weren’t moving since we were at a traffic signal and I didn’t want to hurt the sentiment of a fan but next time I’ll keep safety in mind and won’t encourage this.
— Varun Dhawan (@Varun_dvn) November 23, 2017
Also read: Mumbai police tows car with breastfeeding woman: 6 times police behaviour invited public fury
Twitter users, on the other hand, found humour in the incident and credited Mumbai police for slaying it like a boss.
Here are few reactions this tweet garnered:
.@Varun_dvn breaking traffic rules…Rohit Shetty found lead actor for his next movie
— Drunk BATMAN (@Caped_Humor) November 23, 2017
— अंकित जैन (@indiantweeter) November 23, 2017
Issue an E-Challan for overacting too.
— Chhichhaledar (@chhichhaledar) November 23, 2017
Ek Selfie expensive padhgayi humhare @Varun_dvn par…
— Cezane Syed (@Iamcezane) November 23, 2017
— Hunट₹₹♂ (@nickhunterr) November 23, 2017
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