When Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced his demonetisation move on November 8 last year, he cited the harsh decision was taken to bring back black money stashed abroad. Whether his vision is implemented or not, it is a big question. But Vidyut Jammwal is on a mission to look for illegal wealth in his upcoming film Commando 2. The film is a sequel to the 2013 action-flick which was a hit at the box office.”For the sequel we picked up the issue of black money as a subject. It is a big issue and it reflects in the condition of our streets. The things are not good as expected. So, a commando is deputed to bring back black money from foreign shores,” Vidyut told Times of India.
Vidyut plays commando Karanveer Singh Dogra and shares screen space with Adah Sharma, who plays a Telugu-speaking girl Bhavna Reddy. This time, the plot of the film is based in Thailand. She was last seen alongside Sidharth Malhotra and Parineeti Chopra in Hasee Toh Phasee three years ago. Well, what many of us might not be knowing that the popular song ‘Hare Ram Hare Ram’ from 2007 Akshay Kumar-starrer Bhool Bhulaiyya has been modified in the film. The new version features Vidyut, Adah, Esha Gupta and Freddy Daruwala (Force 2 and Holiday) tapping their feet to the number.
The film is scheduled to hit the theatres on 3 March. The lead actors have urged the viewers to watch the film only in theatres.
Also read: Commando 2 trailer: More action and tease, this Vidyut Jammwal film is giving us major anticipation
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