Filmmaker Vikram Bhatt, who recently made his digital debut with web series like Maya that deals with BDSM, is once again in news. No, it is not about his films or web series but about his personal life. In an interview with a leading daily, Bhatt talked at length about his love life, failed marriage and also about the time when he tried to commit suicide.
Vikram’s relationship with Sushmita Sen was one of the most talked about affair in Bollywood. In fact, it was also being said that his closeness with Sushmita led to his divorce and a devasted Vikram even tried to commit suicide by jumping from the balcony of his house on the sixth floor. When asked about it, Vikram said, ”That was not because of Sushmita. That was because of what I’d done to my life.”
Not only this, Vikram regrets hurting his wife and said that he doesn’t want to get married again. He further added: ”I don’t believe in the institution of marriage anymore. It’s redundant; it’s an outdated institution. It’s like lanterns in a house, you don’t use them anymore.”
After Bhatt broke up with Sushmita, he came into a relationship with actress Ameesha Patel, but sadly that also didn’t work out for the two of them. Recently, Vikram also released a novel, titled A Handful of Sunshine, which is said to be partially based on the incidents of his own life.
Also, when Vikram Bhatt was asked did he ever want to marry Sushmita or Ameesha? He said, “No, I didn’t want to marry either of them. And it’s not like there’s any bitterness. There’s too much water under the bridge now.” Well, after these revelations made by him, we really don’t know how Sushmita and Ameesha are going to react on this.
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