The demise of veteran actor Vinod Khanna is being mourned by all fans of Bollywood and members of film fraternity alike. One of Vinod Khanna’s leading ladies Shabana Azmi remembered the star. Speaking to a leading daily, Shabana said how the handsome star made her feel comfortable during the shooting of an intimate scene for Shaque (1976).
The veteran actress told HT, “I remember being terrified because Aruna and Vikas (the filmmakers) who were married then and co-directing the film, demonstrated how they wanted a particularly intimate scene to be done. I was awkward and very embarrassed. Vinod, who sensed this came to my rescue.”
She told that Vinod Khanna put his arm around her and asked the directors if he would miss the camera. “Suddenly I felt ‘oh this is such a technical thing, there is no need to be embarrassed’ and I started breathing again. I will always be thankful to him for this,” she added.
Shabana revealed it was Vinod Khanna because of whom she bagged the movie Amar Akbar Anthony. She said that initially, Manmohan Desai wished to cast only Neetu Singh and Parveen Babi. But Khanna told the director it would be unfair if his character did not get a heroine.
Also read: Amitabh Bachchan shares emotional poem on social media for friend of 48 years, Vinod Khanna
Recalling the director’s conversation with her, Shabana said Desai approached him and immediately asked her to do the movie with him. “Frankly, there’s no role for you but woh Vinod meri jaan khajayega that Amitabh and Rishi have heroines opposite them I need one too!”, Manmohan Desai had told Shabana Azmi revealed the actress.
Also read: Vinod Khanna’s funeral: Rishi Kapoor is very angry with Bollywood’s young actors. Here’s why
Shabana Azmi also told how considerate Vinod Khanna was as he used to share his lunch and greet his fans who used to wait for him for hours.
Khanna passed away on Thursday after battling cancer. Many Bollywood celebs including Amitabh Bachchan, Rishi Kapoor and Ranjeet attended the cremation ceremony.
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