Akshay Kumar’s upcoming movie Toilet: Ek Prem Katha, touches the topic of sanitation and the actor hopes to bring a change in the society with this. Now the superstar has released a video in which he stresses on the need of proper sanitation. Akshay started the video by saying that many would see this as a promotional gimmick but he didn’t care. The actor said he really wanted everyone to understand the importance of making toilets in their houses.
The star said that for Toilet: Ek Prem Katha, the team did quite the extensive research. During this process, they learnt about the alarming condition of toilets in the nation. Akshay said the situation in a progressive country like India is definitely depressing.
Revealing the hypocrisy of the male-centric society that we live in, Akshay asked men why they weren’t worried when women went outside to empty their bowels. He said women have to wait till after dark for defecation as they are the pride of their houses. Lashing out at men, Akshay said they should be ashamed for being so insensitive.
Going beyond the hypocrisy of all this, Akshay also said that defecation in open is quite unhealthy. Akshay also urged people to stop spending money allocated to make a toilet on other things and get their priorities right. He also told them it was high time to wait for someone else to build a toilet in their houses.
Also read: Akshay Kumar and Radhika Apte rock the common man avatar in Padman
Here is the video Akshay Kunar shared on social media:
Time hai apni #SochAurShauch dono badalne ka. Dekhiye, sochiye aur apne vichar bataiye pic.twitter.com/qpYdZwUpQ9
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) March 24, 2017
Toilet: Ek Prem Katha also stars Bhumi Pednekar and Anupam Kher in pivotal roles.
Also read: Akshay Kumar shares first picture from the sets of Twinkle Khanna’s Padman
Apart from this, Akshay Kumar has also started shooting for Padman. This film is the first one to be produced by Twinkle Khanna. While Toilet: Ek Prem Katha talks about sanitation, Padman touches the important topic of women’s menstruation.
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