Vidya Balan’s upcoming film Begum Jaan tells the lesser-known story of the partition. The first song of the movie titled Prem Me Tohre released a short while ago and it perfectly captures the lives of the workers in Begum Jaan’s brothel. The song reveals the hidden side of sex workers and captures their emotions like no one other could have, maybe. Crooned by Asha Bhosle and having music of Anu Malik, Prem Me Tohre pulls the right strings of the hearts.
In Begum Jaan, Vidya Balan plays the role of the owner of the brothel. But she is much more than the owner of the brothel: Begum Jaan is the guardian to the girls, the owner of the house and someone who wouldn’t bow down to the powerful. The trailer was loved by viewers and raised expectations of the critics.
While the trailer gave a sneak peek into the struggles of the women in the brothel and showed them as fiery and courageous, the song paints a different picture. This heart-wrenching song tells their tale of love and heartbreak. It also showcases that away from the judgemental eyes of the society, the women there have built their own universe. In this home, where they live they are free to do whatever they want to without thinking about others. This song also tells how sometimes these women are forced to gulp down heartbreak emotions and not talk about it.
A remake of the Bengali version Rajkahini, the film is all slated for a release on 15 April. The trailer which released a few days ago confirmed the film would have an abundance of powerful dialogues. Undoubtedly, Begum Jaan would become one of the films that will be remembered for Vidya’s strong performance. part from Vidya, the film also stars Gauhar Khan, Naseeruddin Shah and Ashish Vidyarthi in pivotal roles
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