After keeping shut for few days, Sunny Leone has finally broken silence on the controversy that broke after Ram Gopal Varma sent a sexist tweet about her. In a video, she released on social media, Sunny said change comes when all of us have one voice. She said it is really important for us to choose our voices nicely.
RGV’s tasteless tweet on International Women’s Day garnered him criticism from almost every nook and corner. His tweet, “I wish every woman gives a man same happiness like Sunny Leone gives,” was termed shocking, vile and psychologically imbalanced by many.
When he tweeted, Sunny Leone replied to his tweet which had smileys and made little sense. It seemed Sunny Leone had no problems with RGV’s tweet. Later, she reportedly said RGV was a friend and his words shouldn’t be taken in any wrong way. However, looks like after all the controversy broke, Sunny decided to address the issue. In the video, Sunny said she read all the news and hinted it was about the entire fiasco.
Apart from getting him flak, RGV’s tweet also landed him in legal trouble. A Goa-based female activist filed a police complaint against the filmmaker. In response to the FIR, Ram Gopal Verma took to his social media account to state that he is soon going to file a ‘counter’ in response to the complaint. He added that the activist has disrespected nearly 18 lakh followers of Sunny Leone.
Also read: On Women’s Day, Ram Gopal Varma’s tweet on Sunny Leone exposes the douchebag he is
Not only this, the sets of his upcoming film Sarkar 3 in Versova was vandalised by Film Studio Setting and Allied Mazdoor Union. Though most of the film has been shot, few crowd scenes were supposed to be filmed.
Addressing the issue, RGV apologised for his statement. “If anyone is offended then I apologise for my tweet, but I don’t apologise to those who threatened to take the law into their hands,” he told ANI.
We wonder if Sunny Leone’s statement on this will end the matter.
Change only happens when we have one voice, so let’s choose your words wisely! Peace and love!!
— Sunny Leone (@SunnyLeone) March 9, 2017
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