Shah Rukh Khan and Priyanka Chopra may have worked in various movies but there was a time when the actress refused to marry the superstar. An old video of Priyanka Chopra from Miss India 2000 competition in which the actress participated has gone viral. In the video, SRK can be seen as a panellist and asked PeeCee about her marriage plans. The answer SRK got might not have been te one he was he was expecting.
The 51-year-old superstar asked Priyanka if she would choose to marry him or a cricketer like Mohammed Azharuddin. He questioned,”Hypothetically, if you were to marry one of the following, who will it be. An Indian sportsman, like Azhar bhai – who would take you all around the world, make your country proud and make you swell with pride. Or an artistic businessman with a difficult name to pronounce like Swarovski, who would bedeck you with jewels and necklaces and you would never have to buy a chandelier for your house ever again. Or a Hindi film star like me, who has nothing better to do than to give you complicated multiple-choice questions about a hypothetical wedding.”
To this question, Priyanka said she would marry the cricketer.
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This answer may have definitely left everyone impressed with Priyanka as she became Miss India World. Post this, Priyanka has only seen a graph that goes upwards. She went on to become one of the biggest actresses of Bollywood. After conquering the film industry, Priyanka repeated the same in the West. Priyanka got immense popularity as Alex Parrish in the show Quantico and will now be seen as the antagonist in Baywatch.
Also read: Here’s what Priyanka Chopra has to say about cousin Parineeti Chopra’s debut song
SRK and Priyanka have worked in films like Don and Don 2. Their chemistry was unmissable and we are sure their fans would want to see them again. The sooner, the better.
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