The trailer of Rangoon won many hearts for the way it gave a sneak peek into the Vishal Bhardwaj’s movie. Starring Kangana Ranaut, Shahid Kapoor and Saif Ali Kha, in pivotal roles the movie is set in 1940’s and traces the lives of these three characters. Now the makers have released the behind the scenes video of the trailer and it explains what all happened behind the cameras.
Along with the nitty gritty that went in the making of this period drama, the actors also tell bits and pieces about their characters in the video. Speaking about his, Saif told the camera that his filmmaker character Kabir Khanna is in favour of the English as they keep his business going. He also said that the movie is set in an interesting era because no one actually knows what India was like back then.
Shahid who plays the role of Nawab Malik, a soldier, said that the entire experience was demanding for him. He accepted of being part of many movies but this movie made him go through one of the most difficult experiences.
Also read:Watch: Kangana Ranaut’s ‘Bloody Hell’ from Rangoon shows why Miss Julia is jaanbaaz
Keeping the male leads of the movie aside, Kangana Ranaut was a treat to watch in this video. The actress kept us entertained with her antics, especially when she acted of falling of the train. Kangana said the movie is a love triangle and playing Julia was both knackering and gratifying for her.
She said:
Rangoon is essentially a love triangle. It’s about three people. Julia has been extremely challenging and very testing to do –physically, mentally and emotionally, but gratifying.
The movie will release on 24 February.
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