Priyanka Chopra went live on Facebook and interview lit up the office by bringing her fun element. The actress, who has taken Hollywood by storm, is in India for a week and is ensuring she makes the best of the time. At the Facebook office in Mumbai, Priyanka was seen at her chirpy best. She spoke with her fans but probably the best part of her interaction was when Priyanka spoke to a lucky fan and asked her tiny details about her family.
As a part of the interaction, a lucky fan got the chance to meet Priyanka. The diva also recorded a message for the fan named Apeksha and asked her many things. The fan was obviously star struck and said that her only dream was to meet Priyanka. It didn’t matter to the fan if Priyanka recorded a message for a family or went live with her on Facebook.
The way Priyanka interacted with her fan proves that the star did not let stardom get into her head and is humble. Priyanka’s talk with the host also showed the ease at which she was during the interaction. Check the video here to know what all happened at the session:
Also read: Move over Dwayne Johnson. Baywatch’s latest trailer is all about Priyanka Chopra
Priyanka is currently busy with her upcoming movie Baywatch that marks her Hollywood debut. In the movie, she plays the role of the antagonist Victoria Leeds. The much talked about movie also stars Dwayne Johnson and Zac Effron in pivotal roles. There had been many speculations about the Hollywood stars visiting India to promote their film. But Priyanka’s latest statement hints that it might not be happening. She said the gang might not come to India. Speaking about Dwayne, Priyanka said, “He has been very supportive of me and my career since the beginning of my stay in America. I am very excited about working with him in Baywatch.”
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