Actress Richa Chadha’s maiden production venture Khoon Aali Chithi is finally out. The 14-minute short film was released online on Wednesday on digital platform Large Short Films which has previously released short films including Sujoy Ghosh’s Ahalya, Jaydeep Sarkar’s Nayantaras Necklace, Neeraj Pandey’s Ouch, Jyothi Kapur Das’s Chutney, Vikram Bhatt’s Let’s Play and many more.
This Punjabi short film is about terrorism and state brutality in the late 1980s and early 1990s, and how common people were caught in the Khalistan movement. Khoon Aali Chithi talks about an innocent love story of a young boy who’s motive to write a letter in blood to his lover is taken away in tragic circumstances. The film is gripping and goes from funny to haunting in few seconds.
Khoon Aali Chithi is directed by Richa’s friend Rupinder Inderjit and was also premiered at the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne in 2016. In Richa’s words, the film is about the human casualty of conflict and basically about people who have nothing at all to do with violence or politics, people who don’t even watch the news maybe who don’t know why they are suffering.
The film ends with a small but important piece of information which says, ”Statistics never include the number of families that were destroyed by the lives lost between 1981-1993 in Punjab.”
Asked what’s more daunting — being an actor or producer, Richa told IANS: “To me, it’s being a producer… Because I just produced a Punjabi short film and we are still grappling with some stuff and I worry how people make whole movies.”
On the work front, Richa will next be seen in the second installment of Fukrey. She will be seen reprising the role of Bholi Punjaban in the film which also stars Pulkit Samrat, Varun Sharma, Ali Fazal and Manjot Singh.
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(With inputs from IANS)
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