Former model and Bigg Boss contestant Sofia Hayat alleged that she was inappropriately touched by men in the holy city of Mecca. She visited the city along with her fiancee Vlad. She took to Instagram to explain how her journey to Mecca became a horrifying one. In the video, Sofia said teachings of Islam were not followed by men in the city.
In the caption of the video, Sofia wrote that Islam taught to not touch any woman who is not the wife. She added the way she was treated at the place, was not the teaching of Islam. Sofia alleged she was pushed on her second attempt to touch the black stone,.
Sofia wrote, ” One man was pushing his genitals into me from behind…the women’s queue is non- existent because men have used their physical strength to push women out of the way. As I was about a metre from the black stone, I was pushed so hard against my ribs I could not breathe. I was scared, so I decided to turn back, as I did, men kept pushing, and my hijab came off and got caught between the pushing men, I was being dragged back by it and was started to be strangled by it. I screamed. ”
The former model said she was rescued by few men and that she was shaken after the incident. Sofia added, ” Allah is in me and she says to me that if a man thinks he will go to Jannat by touching the black stone yet disregards the respect Islam has for women, then your hajj or umrah is useless. In the house of Allah women are being disrespected. Allah is the greatest she is the most high … I am so sad this happens in her house in Makkah. The man who lifts women to the stone and does not touch it himself will surely see Jannat.”
Also read: Revealed! ‘Nun’ Sofia Hayat introduces fiance with a hot photoshoot
Check Sofia’s post here.
Here are few other Instagram posts of her which she put on reaching Mecca.
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